
FCC Aqualia to maintain and operate wastewater facilities

The secondary water decanter at Hadda, which will be operated and maintained by FCC Aqualia. (Image source: FCC Aqualia)

Spain?s FCC Aqualia has been chosen to operate and maintain two wastewater treatment plants in Mecca, Saudi Arabia for US$20mn

FCC Aqualia will work with Alkhorayef Water and Power Company on the two plants located in Hadda and Arana. The plants treat an average water flow of 250,000 cu/m but have the capacity to treat 375,000 cu/m.

With a stable population of around 1.5mn and a floating population of around five million each year especially during festivities such as Ramzan, Mecca?s water needs undergo variations throughout the year.

The consortium between both companies will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of treatment facilities and units, including workshops, laboratories, electrical installations, service road status, security systems, supply, sanitation and drainage projects within the facilities, environmental maintenance of the facilities, laboratory team and conducting analyses, said Aqualis officials.

This particular project also falls within the purview of a programme carried out by the country?s authorities, which aim to transform and modernise Saudi Arabia?s water cycle management. Specifically, the National Water Company is working with specialist companies like Aqualis to ensure operation and maintenance of water treatment plants.

Aqualis has also rendered its services to the country?s capital Riyadh, when it was chosen to optimise the water supply network.

In addition to working in Saudi Arabia, Aqualis has also overseen water sanitation and purification in the eastern Abu Dhabi and in Al Dhakira, Qatar.