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OETC floats tenders for power grid station

The Izki power grid station in Oman will seek to strengthen power network across the country. (Image source: kenteegardin/Flickr)

The Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) has floated a tender to build a 400kV/220kV power grid station at Izki in Oman as part of an initiative to strengthen the countrys power network

The tender has followed a contract for building power switchgears at Sur and Jahloot, which was awarded to Turkey?s Ozdil Energy Resources as part of the Sur-Jahloot 400kV transmission system.

The Sur independent power project will be commissioned in two phases, reaching 433MW in 2013 and full capacity by 2014.

Bahwan Engineering Company, Siemens, ABB, Galfar Engineering and Contracting, United Engineering Projects and Larsen & Toubro have so far bought tender documents for taking part in the Izki grid project bidding. The bids will be opened on 8 July 2013.

The OETC is currently building two transmission lines, one between Sur and Jalhoot and the other one between Sur and Izki, to evacuate power from Sur IPP to the national grid.

Sur-Jahloot transmission line project was bagged by Saudi-based National Contracting Company, while Bahwan Engineering Company will be building the Sur-Izki transmission line.