
Manz plans to expand solar power business in Saudi Arabia

Manz is seeking investors in its CIGS thin-film solar technology. (Image source: Walmart Corporate/Flickr)

German engineering company Manz has announced its intention to grow its business activities in Saudi Arabia by seeking investors in its copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar technology

The announcement followed Manz?s participation as co-organiser at the official inauguration of the Solar & Photovoltaics Engineering Research Center (SPERC) at the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST).

The centre was celebrating the completion of its laboratory facilities, which support research into photovoltaics (PV) and other technologies relevant to renewable energy, Manz said.

The inauguration coincided with an international two-day scientific workshop at the university on CIGS solar cells, with the first day devoted to basic research and the second day focusing on applied research and production technology, the company added.

Dieter Manz, founder and CEO of Manz, said, ?Our participation as co-organiser of the [CIGS] workshop at this prestigious event does not only show our commitment to the Saudi market, but shows the progressive and technology-driven outlook of the Saudi Government through the impressive advances in solar research being conducted at KAUST.

?We plan to strengthen our involvement in advancing this sector and delivering solutions that positively affect the Saudi economy and people.?

Dr Claus Kuhn, vice president of thin-film solar technology at Manz, commented, ?CIGS technology is the most promising solar technology with 10 per cent higher energy yields compared to polycrystalline panels.?

According to Manz, renewable energy is one of Saudi Arabia?s top priorities following the government?s announcement that it intends to generate as much as a third of the Kingdom?s energy demands through solar power by 2031.