
BAM, WSP, Parsons execs win The Big 5?s Women in Construction awards

The WIC Forum & Awards also hosted an official Pledge Ceremony for the companies willing to come together and sign the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs). (Image source: dmg events)

Winners of the Women in Construction (WIC) Awards were announced at the second edition of The Big 5?s Women in Construction (WIC) Forum & Awards on Wednesday

The awards are aimed at addressing the need for gender balance, diversity and inclusion (D&I) policies and best practices in the workplace while empowering women in the male-dominated construction sector.

Jessica Rigley, area staff manager at contractors BAM International, won the coveted Women in Leadership category at the WIC Awards. She was commended for her 20+ years of experience in leading more than 200 staff and her pioneering role as a woman in HSE, which involved the development of an online HSE monitoring system.

Layla Kailany, assistant project manager at Parsons International, won The Next-Gen Woman of the Year category for her work on mega-projects and taking responsibility of aspects such as managing design and construction, coordinating with subcontractors, and helping to resolve construction issues.

WSP in the Middle East was awarded Company of the Year for their D&I achievements including the introduction of flexible working policies that resulted in 88 per cent of mothers returning to work after maternity leave, as well as the use of inclusive language referenced in job adverts resulting in being able to attract a more diverse workforce ? for example, 50+ per cent of graduates and interns, were female.

The Big 5 recognised those making a positive impact on the sector by fostering collaboration, supporting best practices, and provide effective solutions to today?s industry challenges. A full house was given an overview of current issues faced and new initiatives were undertaken to push the industry forward.

Dr Shetha Alzubaidi, CEO and partner at Brookson Project Management and judge of the Women in Construction Awards, said, ?Women are often under-represented in the fields of engineering, both in the academia and in the profession of engineering. However, women working in construction are on the increase. With a concerted effort from key industry players, there is a chance that more women will view a career in construction as a great one.?

Organised by dmg events, The Big 5 covers the full construction cycle with alongside six co-located shows: The Big 5 HeavyMiddle East ConcreteHVAC R ExpoMiddle East StoneThe Big 5 Solar, and the Urban Design & Landscape Expo. The event hosts 2,390+ local and international exhibitors showcasing 20,000+ building solutions and products.