
ABB?s new sensing solution for condition monitoring of motors

The sensing solution claims to reduce the downtime of motors by 70 per cent and extend the lifetime by 30 per cent. (Image Source: ABB)

ABB motor has launched a new sensing solution that allows low-voltage vehicles to inform users when it is time for servicing

Sensors attached directly to the motor supply information regarding operating and condition parameters via wireless transmission. The sensor provides information on parameters such as vibration, temperature or overload and calculates the power consumption.

The data is then analysed by a specially developed software and supplied to the plant operator in the form of graphics for maintenance planning. This sensing solution claims to enable downtime reductions of up to 70 per cent, extend the lifetime of motors by up to 30 per cent and reduce energy consumption by as much as 10 per cent.

?This innovative solution makes condition monitoring the new standard for low-voltage motors,? said ABB discrete automation and motion division president Pekka Tiitinen. ?Optimised maintenance schedules help reduce maintenance costs greatly. Unscheduled outages are reduced considerably or even eliminated completely.?

This solution is not restricted to ABB motors and can be easily installed at the factory or retrofitted on any already operating low-voltage motors.

?The sensors will also be available in the Middle East and can be used on any low-voltage motor, in any industry, from food and beverage businesses to steel and chemical plants,? adds ABB lead division manager, discrete automation and motion, Middle East and Africa, Gus Abboud.