

Honeywell?s thermostat at Al Tawba Mosque in Sharjah. (Image source: Honeywell)

Honeywell?s first-of-a-kind thermostat pilot programme installed in Sharjah mosques has the potential to cut their energy consumption by more than one-third through the use of smart thermostats

DEWA managing director and CEO Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer said that DEWA supported Dubai?s Clean Energy Strategy 2050 to reduce the carbon footprint of the UAE. (Image Source: DEWA)

The UAE Solar Programme of Activities (PoA) initiated by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has been approved by the executive board of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Under the initiative, 10 solar charging stations will be installed in Al Ruwais, Ain Sinan and Abu Dhalouf public parks in Al Shamal. (Image Source: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay)

Three public parks in Qatar?s Al Shamal Municipality will soon get solar-powered charging stations for mobile phones

Between 2008 and 2015, a virtuous circle of improved technologies, such as higher hub heights and larger swept areas by blades, has increased capacity factors for a given wind resource. (Image source: Sufrane01/Pixabay)

The average costs for electricity generated by solar and wind technologies could decrease by between 26 and 59 per cent by 2025 globally, according to a report released today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency visited the Barakah units in 2013. (Image source: Public Domain)

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) announced today the initiation of the formation of its operating subsidiary, Nawah Energy Company (Nawah)

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