
Delma and L&T joint venture wins US$272.3 million UAE road contract

A joint venture between UAE-based contractor Delma Engineering and Indian firm Laursen & Toubro (L&T) has landed a US$272.3mn contract from Abu Dhabi?s Department of Transport

Delma Engineering said that the joint venture was the lowest bidder on the highways improvement contract. The project would see a large section of E11 highway widened to dual four-lane carriageways.

The E11 was built as a dual two-lane highway from Mafraq to Al Ghweifat and approximately 327km long.

The work, which is expected to take 30 months to complete, will also see the construction of three dumb-bell interchanges along the route.

The Delma and L&T joint venture won the bid ahead of 10 other companies.